Esteemed Staff members, Parent(s) and Students,
Every society has its laws and every institution has its rules. The law regulates work in society and every individual of the society is expected to abide by the law. As the school is keen on the best interest of its students and on raising their educational, ethical and social standards, general rules for the school have been laid down to regulate work and construct a strong relationship between students and teachers, home and school, based upon mutual understanding, cooperation and respect, so as to achieve the set goals that any educational institution seeks.
A teacher is to accompany students from the school yard to class.
It is necessary to interact with the local environment and communicate with parent(s).
Reference of student(s) to Medical Insurance shall be after 11 am and the referred student(s) is/are to provide evidence of his/her medical treatment to the school administration.
It is prohibited to accompany children to school during the school day.
There is no smoking allowed anywhere on the school premises, either by staff members or visitors.
Mobile phones are to be turned off during classes.
Side talks among teachers on topics of politics are strictly prohibited.
All students are to be present in the school yard for the morning lineup not later than 7.30 am.
Classes start at 7.55 am.
The school day ends at 2.35pm except for Thursday and Saturday at 3pm.
Students should attend and leave school at the announced times.
Absence and Lateness
Absence and lateness of students should be registered in the attendance and absence register. Teachers are to follow that up precisely and accurately. An absent student must justify absence by providing a medical certificate from the Medical Insurance of the school to the school administration.
In case of a student's delay more than once, the school administration shall notify parent(s) and the late student shall not be allowed into school.
Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene
Students should be clean and neatly dressed and appear in good health.
In case of serious or contagious diseases, the school doctor should be notified to take the necessary action(s).
Parent(s) should make sure not to send their sick child to school.
In case a sick student attends school, he/she shall be referred to the clinic and parent(s) shall be notified to accompany their sick son/daughter home.
It is strictly forbidden for students to bring any dangerous tools to school e.g. sharp tools, cutters, liquid glue, breakable bottles, iron rulers, cans, etc.,
In case such tools are found, the school reserves the right to take the necessary measures without referring to parent(s).
A student should not be sent to school carrying large sums of money or valuables e.g. jewellery, electronic toys, mp3, IPod, etc.,
It is strictly forbidden for students to bring Mobile Phones to school for any reason whatsoever.
Students are to wear their school uniform clean and in good condition.
Students must make sure not to wear clothes other than that of the school uniform along with black shoes and white socks. During school events or occasions students are to wear long sleeve white shirts and blue neck ties.
Student's rights
In case that a student faces a problem during the school day, he/she has to go to the class teacher to coordinate with the (Social worker and/or School Psychologist) and try to solve the problem.
In case that a student faces a problem during class, he/she has the right to go to the teacher during break time to discuss and/or solve it.
Every student has the right to request for an interview with the school principal to discuss a problem and/or a suggestion.
It is forbidden for parent(s) to be on the school premises during the school day for any reason whatsoever.
When necessity arises for an interview with the school administration or teacher, parent(s) should contact the school secretariat earlier to make an appointment. (Interviews from 2.00pm to 2.30pm).
Suggestions and/or complaints by parent(s) should be in writing and dropped into the suggestion/complaint box. It should be noted that any verbal or phone suggestions/complaints shall not be considered.
In case that a student wishes to change his/her designated place of pick up or drop off of their school bus, parent(s) must notify the school in writing. Non compliance shall result in no change of the school bus route and without any responsibility towards the school.
In case parent(s) wishes/wish to accompany a student(s) listed on a school bus, they should notify the school in writing.
The school reserves the right to impose any punishment(s) that may deem suitable upon a student(s) in case of violation and/or non compliance with the above School Internal Rules and Regulations.
Best wishes for a happy and successful school year.